Job Jumping
Are you looking for a new job….AGAIN?
What’s the best way to start a job search?
Think about what type of person you are and what you are willing to stand for. Know your boundaries! When you walk into an interview it is not always about what you can do for them but what they can do for you. Don’t sell yourself short by just looking at the money and not figuring out what work you will be required to do and if you can grow in that company.
Learn about you first!!
Set goals on what you want to achieve before you look for a place to work. Some work places have an environment that can be more harm to you than others. Some people can’t work in environments that have abusive bosses that every sentence contains a curse word. Others in the construction industries have no problem with this as it is the norm and proves to others that they are not people to be messed with. So choose your path carefully.
Find companies who want to interview you, and get hired.
Spread your net far and wide to see what the market offers. The more interviews you attend the better you will become at knowing what to do and say to get into the minds of the prospects for your lucky break.
Don’t be intimidated!
Remember the people that are interviewing you are human just like you. They are providing money for your service tha t is it. Don’t go believing that they are the only break you will get and don’t treat them like the next great thing since slice bread. While some people may like flattery and being put on a pedestal. Do not degrade yourself while doing it. At the end of the day you must be able to walk out of the door with your head held high with your dignity in tact.
Last words!
The interview is about you as well as them. Get to know what you are getting into before making the final say. If possible you should do a dry run and see if it is what you are comfortable doing. Also observe the workers and working environment. This allows you to have an idea of how the management interacts and treats their staff. Find out about the unspoken truths about the establishment before you commit to it!